We Need Each Other

Someone may think it is good to be alone

Like having peaceful mind

Before I also think this way

But then in reality it is not the case.

We need each other

Someone to talk, share, care, and love

Is part of humanity

Is part of our individuality.

All this time we need each other

The pandemic showed this to us

We need to care for others

Cause there will be a time anybody can be helpless.

In our hearts the Almighty Father embedded love

Love for our fellowmen

So, share it to others

And it will be enough for everyone.

Good Deeds

We don’t need to answer in words the wrong accusations

Good deeds can speak for us

Sensible words should come out from our mouth

And peace to everyone should be encourage.

Learning to do good deeds in everyday

Is the track that our God prepare for everyone

Our brother Jesus Christ is ready to guide us

And work with us to do good deeds until now.

Love is the key

Do all things in love

And show love to our fellowmen

For God is love.

Now I know

Like I don’t want to think

Like I don’t want to move

Just let my tears keep falling

As my heart is hurting.

Like a man that cannot live because his lover left him

Like a woman that cannot move on because the man she loves doesn’t love her

But as for me even if he is not with me, I’m happy

Even if he doesn’t talk or know me, I am contented.

As long as he talking and smiling

As long as he is giving love and care

As long as he is breathing

It is enough for me, enough to love.

Looking back

Sometimes we don’t understand what is going around

Experiences we thought that aren’t favorable to us

Like the current situation we are in today

But sit, think and ask, what is the reason behind?

Like we struggle on our own

Don’t care for others

Like we are all alone

Don’t need the help of others.

But this time we need to show our care

Looking after each other

Essentials in life should always be consider

In order for us to stay longer.

Maybe we forgot something

Cause always busy of what we are doing

Don’t have the time to look back and ask

What is life from the beginning?

His Ways

The sun rises in the East then sets in the West

The gas becomes liquid and later returns to gas

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Everything is systematic.


One organism dies for one to live

From the biggest to the smallest creatures

Works together for a meaningful reason

Everything has its purpose.


His creations manifest His love

His teachings are perfect

Though His thoughts are higher than ours

He understands our lowliness.


We may not be able to completely describe Him

But He makes us see His powerful ways

His unconditional love is everlasting

Waiting till the right time comes.




Friends are treasure

State that needs to be kept

Hard to let go

But sometimes requires to be shared with others.

Someone who accepts the real you

Someone who shows smile and tears

Someone who stays with you and also go

Someone who cares for you and for others.

A man can lay down his life for his friends

Love only not his friends

but as well as his enemies

The most friendly act one can do.


A new day has come

A sound mind and without illness body is fine

Few money in the pocket is enough

Enough to give thanks for these blessings.

God’s blessing doesn’t only mean being wealthy

But even living in a hut with peace is better

Getting everything we want doesn’t mean success

But doing everything with love and care is an accomplishment.

Not being contented sometimes lead to selfishness

Yearning more to what we need may cause unfairness

But everyday living with God

Contented with His blessings makes life complete.

Missing you

Years have passed
Remembering the days you are by my side
Watching over me while playing alone
Helping me find the solutions to things im curious about.

Your strictness was just enough
Enough for me to struggle to learn
Filling in your expectations
Winning your trust and favor.

Like I dont want to hear your voice
Like I dont want to fill you in my thoughts
Like I dont want to remember all those years
Because I totaly miss you.

I may not have shown what is in my heart
but Someone teaches me love you more
He shows me to care for you
You may not be aware of this but i know He have seen everything.


Start the day with smile
Good vibes are motivation
Erasing bitterness and sadness
Thinking only of happy thoughts.

Friends that fear God
Parents that walk-in faith
Loved ones that follow His commandments
Gifts from God to be treasure.

Grateful to be guided
Thankful to be loved
Love in the heart is a good medicine
To loved God is to follow His commandments.

Everyday gifts
Everyday love
Thank You for everyday
Living in His will is every day.


In life there is sadness
Trials and hardships are on the way
Teardrops falls on one’s eyes
But this is only part of life.

One face of life is happiness
A smile painted in gladness
Undescrible feeling within
Success is in one’s hand.

The water we use
The air we breathe
The things seen and unseen
Another part of human’s life.

Why run from reality?
Why do we only want to experience happiness?
Why don’t we learn to endure things?
Why not give thanks to the Great provider and be part of His household?

The creator of everything
The friend who is always there
The loving Father that we should always talk to
Is the biggest and most important reality in life.