Short Stories

Friendship in Town

The friendship started in this humble town.  It was a circle of four people before they met Kim. It was a lovely morning; the wind was dancing with the leaves of the trees in the neighborhood and the sun was shining all around. Editha, the girl with an introvert personality, followed her friends to Andy`s house. Lenny was talking with Shane as they approached Andy`s home. Andy was not there so they decided to wait.

A girl suddenly appeared in front of them. She was smiling while she asked the direction of Mr. Ramos’ house. Editha suddenly answered, the two friends just looked at the girl. A simple friendship started that moment. They became close friends and shared many happy moments. Though they have different attitudes, but they learned to accept each other’s weaknesses.

But one day Kim needed to move to another town, everybody was still happy as if they didn’t know the fact that they may not see Kim anymore. No tears run through their eyes, but they felt each other’s sorrow. None of them wanted the day to end, to beg each other’s goodbye. The night came and Kim left. She knew that their friendship didn’t end there, it continues until the end because something will always unite their friendship and that is… a secret.

Love thy Neighbor

Kim made new friend with her new neighbor. A woman of aged with a serious illness became to close to her. She visited that neighbor frequently and shared happy thoughts with her to ease the pain that she saw in the woman’s eye. Keeping her company for few hours but Kim unknowingly learned to love the woman like her mother.

Kim moved in this neighborhood with her relatives because her parents lived in another city caused by circumstances she needs to be separated. She found love and care of a mother with Mrs. Je. Mrs. Je was the name of the woman.

The illness of Mrs. Je was getting worse every day that made Kim worry. One day, it was in the afternoon, a message from Mrs. Je’s daughter reached Kim’s phone informing that Mrs. Je was brought to the hospital. Kim wasn’t able to take a nap and was thinking about the message. Along her way to the hospital, she kept herself still and relaxed. She was happy to see Mrs. Je in good condition thinking that she will get well soon.

It was Wednesday afternoon, a familiar face came across Kim, he was the guy she met at the hospital, he told her that Mrs. Je died on Tuesday night. Unable to accept the fact Kim sent a message to Mrs. Je’s daughter asking how Mrs. Je was but the same information she got from the guy. Kim didn’t know what to feel at that moment, she felt very sorry and pain. She uttered a cry in her little prayer.

Kim has endured the sadness she felt. She has continued her journey, with Him as her guidance, Kim has learned to keep moving and along the way she met new friends. The next chapter of her journey are the stories of her newly met friends.

The Family

Kim met Lian, one of the students in the school where Kim worked. Lian was an average girl, she was not that smart but because of being diligent in her studies and the full support of her beloved family she was able to maintain good grades and able to enter college.

Lian’s family was not rich, her father didn’t have a stable job and her mother was an employee of a small company. She had a younger sister, the apple of her eye. Her family’s income was just enough for their basic needs but for them what matters most was they loved and support each other. A family with God always brought courage to Lian even she didn’t have expensive things or money to buy what she wanted, Lian learned to be contented on what she had.

One day, Lian was obliged to pass her project the next day, she was worried because her mother was using the computer because of an important report that needed to be finished that day and Lian didn’t have enough money to rent for computer. She asked her father for money to rent a computer, but he only got enough for their fare for tomorrow. Instead of giving her money her father suggested to use the Piso-net that gave Lian a hope to finish her project. She was able to finish it on time and passed it on time. The next day her mother asked about Lian’s project and was sorry not to let her use the computer. Lian just answered with a nod plus a smile, and they embraced each other. She was very thankful for giving her this family.

Lian met Kim in school. Kim asked about Lian’s project if how did it go, Lian told Kim what happened. And they both realized how the Father in Heaven used their parents to show His love and care to them. They felt so blessed. And Kim beg goodbye to Lian. Kim was walking through the hallway while she was thinking on how to take care of her unfinish task within the day.  A pause for a small talk with Him with all the thanks of His guidance that she was able to make it all with her best and called it  A DAY.

Be Strong

Joy was a schoolgirl but during her vacation or school break she helped her sister as a house helper in the big house. She stayed in a dorm near their school. She was an average student, but she was trying her best to cope with school requirements and activities. She’s busy with schoolworks. A break passed by, she was eager to go and see her sister. It was late at night when she reached the house where her sister worked. They talked so many things and missed each other that caused them to sleep late.

Early morning, Joy woke up and started to clean the first floor of the house. She thought cleaning as exercise to keep herself enjoying her work. Next, the clothes, while washing she listened to music, and she was happy because she was with her sister. Her sister was cooking while Joy assisted her in slicing the vegetables. In the afternoon her sister prepared the snack of their boss. They helped each other in all the work in the house. They were really exhausted the whole day but during the night they didn’t forget to say a little prayer.

It was Saturday, she woke up early with her sister and prepared everything in the house before going to church. They stayed the whole day in the church attending the gatherings. They felt so blessed that even there are hardships, busy days, but still there are days to be spend for Him, the Almighty Father. The peace in mind and heart is priceless. They were sitting and listening quietly to the words of God and felt contentment. They were always grateful for the love of God.

Joy returned to her dorm to prepare for her class the next day. She bid goodbye to her sister and in her heart, there is always hope that someday they won’t be separated anymore. She felt so happy and lucky to know there is always Someone taking care of them. For her, every day is a new chance given by God to make good things including the chance of attaining their dreams. She believes that all things work together for them that love God.

Shy Mass Communication Student

Kim asked her class to do a project in her subject. The project was every student should organize a family event that will make his own family happy and have a bonding moment. Raffy is a quiet type of person, but he is energetic, he thought for some time on what to do on his project. Miss Kim was really fun of Raffy because He was always wearing a smile on his face. She found him as good student as well as good person, but she didn’t know they have something in common. Time to pass the project, Miss Kim asked the students who didn’t make their projects because she checked the project online and found out two students didn’t do their projects. One of the students told her it was Ms. Castro only who didn’t make her project. Kim asked Raffy because she thought he didn’t do also his project but one of his classmate attests Raffy’s work was online. Later, Miss Kim checked again her students project online and Raffy’s work was there dated on the day for the deadline of passing the project. While reading Raffy’s project, Miss Kim smiled in herself. He has same attitude as her, wanted to express oneself but didn’t know how to, too shy to say own his feelings to loved ones, sweet in a certain way, that made Miss Kim realized she was not alone to have characters like that but there are people out there trying to learn to express his own self. She saw herself in him that there are words that are so hard to say even to our own parents but can be easily written including ” I Love You Mama, Sorry for my shortcomings”.

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